- Cursos
- TSCA: Diseño y Evaluación de Proyectos de Investigación
- Metodologías para la gestión ambiental
- Desarrollo Sostenible
- Dirección de Tesis
Maestría en Ciencias Ambientales (Doble titulación), Co-Dirección
- Latofski Robles Mariam. 2012. Restoration priorities for the mexican islands.
- Ríos Guayasamín Pedro Damián. 2012. Characterization of the global value chains of organic products in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: case study in Cachoeiras de Macacú and Nova Friburgo.
- Terán Valdez Andrea. 2013. A biological corridor for the Sierra Madre Oriental (San Luis Potosi, Mexico): socio-economic viability for enhancing connectivity.
- González González Adriana. 2013. Payments for environmental services in the Huasteca Potosina region, Mexico: forest cover impacts at regional level and socio-economic impacts at local level.
- Oliveira De Souza Fernanda. 2014. A community-based approach for managing forest patches in the Atlantic forest of Brazil-a case study of the micro watershed Barracão Dos Mendes, Rio de Janeiro State.
- Stöcker Nadine. 2016. Value chain analysis of Bolivian quinoa as an organic fair trade product.
- Brauer Clemens Gerhard. 2017. Participative development of a sustainable vanilla pod dryer for small scale vanilla producers in the Huasteca Potosina, Mexico.
- Sobisch Marcella Ulrike. 2018. The potential of agroecology as a tool for resilience-based ecosystem stewardship. Assessment regarding the introduction of agroecological practices within the Maya biosphere reserve´s buffer zone (Petén, Guatemala).
- Marcelli Sánchez Columba. 2019. Connectivity for conservation: a systematic approach to link relevant areas for conservation with the biosphere reserve Sierra del Abra Tanchipa.
- Recinos Brizuela Sonia Steffany. 2019. A coastal vulnerability index for sea turtle conservation management in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica.
- Hincapie Agudelo Melisa. 2021. From the mountains to the coast: using bird data to enhance connectivity in the sugar cane landscape of Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil
- Calla Durandal Lucia. 2022. Historical trajectory of the Mangroves' loss in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador
- Farías Garduño Osmar Alejandro. 2022. Adaptation of human communities to droughts: a systemic sustainability assessment in Rioverde, San Luis Potosi
Maestría en Ciencias Ambientales
Doctorado en Ciencias Ambientales